Our Development Team!


Johnathan Snyder

Johnathan is the man! He is the Chuck Norris of the Space Game team. Whenever it is about to go down, everyone looks to Johnathan.


Craig Robinson

Craig "asdfgjkl" Robinson hails from the deepest reaches of the northern isles, where he trained in the forgotten arts of bear combat and dual wielding into battle. He aspires to have a laser gun someday. He also loves popsicles in the shape of fictional character heads (batman the most).


Brian Tillery

Brian is an avid video game player (what self respecting CS major isn't?). He also enjoys to fish whenever time commits. In the near future, he plays on working on a new version of Space Game that will be available on iOS, Android, and possible Window's platforms. **SPOILER ALERT!!!** You can contact Brian at briantillery@gmail.com